Lydia & William

Online Journal of the early years of Lydia Kent and William Joseph Welch.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Perrys & Terrys

While I was passing through the promised land, I crossed the line into the other Carolina. Met more fabulous folks (i.e.- the Perrys and the Terrys)

This is me with Emma Perry. We went to an outdoor Raptor park, you know where you can see birds of prey in big cages. Well, it was very nice, but we walked through rather quickly. Mom and dad had to hit the road, and those birds kept eyeing my thighs. Gave me the willies.

We stayed with Terrys in S.C. for almost a week while dad did a course for his masters. Good times. Too bad Charles was training for his next Olympic event, otherwise he would have been present in these pictures. His newspaper debut will have to suffice. Dad says I look like Dr. Evil in the second one. be the judge.

In my mind.....

So, before I start anew, I'm going to fill you in on my travels as promised. There have been multiple locations where I have pitched my pac n play over the last few months, so bear with me - this may take two postings or more. The Carolinas. Mom and dad talked about NC all the time, and tons of people kept coming from there to visit me. I finally had my own taste of this glorious state. Real nice place. I'm actually going back this week for a 3 or 4 week jaunt I liked it so much.

Day before I left NJ, this guy (a NC native ofcourse) shows up. I'd seen him before, but I forgot how soft his beard was. He was asleep on our couch when the movers arrived. I don't think they packed him because I haven't seen him since.

While all my toys and belongings were being packed away by strangers, we stayed with these kids and their parents (Thank you Larsens!) in Jersey for awhile. I think they were trying to set me up with the blond one, but clearly I like the older boys.

So, after we left Jersey, we stopped to see the Hills in Maryland. I got to hang with my buds, Tate and Naomi (see their blogsite at right, but word to the wise - they update it quarterly). Then, finally, I arrived. North Carolina....the promised land. And let me tell you, with three sets of grandparents in one location, it truly is a land flowing with milk and honey. My papa (grandpa Joseph) even offered me some chocolate icecream. Mom nearly had a cow. I didn't actually partake of it, so no harm no foul. A few NC pics for your viewing pleasure:
Meeting the infamous Aunt Lulu, soon to be Mrs. Petree. Not the greatest picture of me, but as you can see I am no slave to the camera. Vanity is for the weak.

I also met all kinds of relatives on the Acton side of the family at Kackie's Southern Barbeque. It was the best Eastern Carolina pulled pork, cole slaw and beans I've ever had. Well, mom said it was the best she'd ever had. Milk's milk.
Mr. Jim House, dashing as always. Didn't quite know how to hold a baby, but I don't mind being a guinea pig. I've broken others in.

Hangin with cousin Wells and Grandaddy, waiting for Rayne to come. I slept on many a couch, floor and bed over the course of 3 weeks. No rest for the weary, mind you.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Where in the world is daddy?

Mommy tells me that daddy has gone to work in the desert for a while (two and a half months to be precise). I don't understand what this means. She tried to explain to me that it is far away and like a big sandbox. Sounds like play, not work if you ask me. Mom assures me it is work....even though a lot of his friends are there and they play bingo regularly, work out a lot, and go to the pool daily. At any rate, we miss him terribly already. Here are a few of my favorite pics of daddy and me over the last couple of months.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

4th of July Swim-time!

I"m back FOOLS....& I'm in tha POOL!!!

That's right everybody, I'm back....and we've got a lot of catching up to do. It's been a long trip to California, and I'll be telling you all about it for a while. So to start with, I celebrated my first 4th of July at the pool with Mommy and Daddy. It was my first time going swimming outside the comforts of the bath-tub, and I quite liked it. I may only be a minnow now, but I'll be a Sherwood Shark before you know it!

Daddy is a silly man, but I love him:) Even after he put me under water for the first time. That didn't go over so well, but I've forgiven him and since forgotten the matter, as you can see.