Lydia & William

Online Journal of the early years of Lydia Kent and William Joseph Welch.

Monday, January 04, 2010

My Jewel Party

I know I have a lot to catch you up on.....Thanksgiving and Christmas and such, but for now I must tell you about my birthday. I just turned four against my parents better judgment.

For my birthday party my mom suggested we decorate with butterflies or flowers. I had other ideas. My first thought was to have a crocodile tea party where my friends and I would dress up like crocodiles and drink tea together. After mom explained that this would be quite technically difficult to do, I settled on the idea of a jewel party. Not princesses. Not jewelry. Jewels. Loose large diamonds, rubies, the kind you would find in a mine..... like the one I'll own one day. Reluctantly, mom agreed but she soon came around and embraced the dazzle.

I helped make the invitations. Aren't they snazzy?

I chose pink and pink, otherwise known as "blush" and "bashful," for my party colors.

Jewels, jewels, jewels.

For the festivities, we had a treasure hunt in the backyard. We searched high and low for jewels.

We added ringpops to the cupcakes so they would sparkle.

I had such a great time with my friends!

Will had fun too. He was particularly fond of a Hannah Montana doll and Tinkerbell doll I received. We think he has a thing for blondes in short skirts.

And yes, we do realize he's not wearing any pants. This was probably related to the fact that they were coated in icing after the cake/cookies were consumed.