Lydia & William

Online Journal of the early years of Lydia Kent and William Joseph Welch.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Memorial Day Freeze

Well, this past Saturday we had a great neighborhood Memorial Day picnic, complete with grilled salmon and a pinata. The only problem was that it was about 50 degrees with the wind blowing with a vengeance. But that will not stop me from getting my WHACK on...
Are you guys watching this?
Take that!
Now I get pictures with y spoils...
And the token family pic (and yes...that is William hiding in Mommy's coat)

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Monday, May 26, 2008

TIMEOUT- A Pictorial

Folks-This is a pictorial depiction of a common event at the Welch household these days: TIMEOUT. The emotional stages of this exercise usually go like this:

1. Disbelief...are they serious?

2. Regret...I can't believe I got busted

3. Dismay.

4. Boredom.

5. Contemplating Escape...

6. Acceptance. Can I come out now?

Once free, I typically look for the most direct way to get back into TIMEOUT. It's a vicious cycle.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lovin' the grandparents

My Kackie and Andaddy came out to see us for a few days last week, and my Nana came for a week and a half. We had a blast. Nana even sewed some curtains for Will's room and helped finish off the nursery. We can't wait to see Oma and Opa in July!

Belated Mother's Day Reflections

Mom asked for some airtime, and since she controls the computer, I was forced to oblige her.

In light of mother's day, I had a few things I needed to say:

To every mom with a screaming child in the grocery store and I thought you should have had more control over your kid or taken them out,
I’m sorry.

To every mom with a child begging, crying for candy at the check out and I thought you should have never exposed your child to candy in the first place,
I’m sorry.

To every mom who gave their kid candy to shut them up and I thought you were crazy,
I’m sorry.

To every mom with a house, car, garage, and purse full of crushed cheerios and goldfish crackers and I thought you should have never let your child have food away from the table,
I’m sorry.

To every mom who hissed at her child through clenched teeth while dragging them from the room by the arm and I thought you should have been kinder and more composed,
I’m sorry.

To every mom who’s kid has hurt another child and behaved just completely asinine at a playgroup and I wondered how you parented at home,
I’m sorry.

To every mom who occasionally ignored her child’s inappropriate behavior because you’re just flat exhausted from disciplining and I thought you should have been consistent at all cost,
I’m sorry.

To every mom with a toddler who’s thrown themselves on the floor crying and arched their back and stiffened their body when you tried to pick them up and I thought I’ll never let it get that far when I have my own,
I’m sorry.

To every mom I prejudged before having children of my own,
I’m sorry.

Thank you to our moms for loving us through sleepless nights and through toddler tantrums and through preteen drama and through teenage angst.  I can now better appreciate all the work, sweat, love and tears that brought me this far.  

Thursday, May 01, 2008

8 AM

It's 8 AM. I've been up for an hour and a half, and I've already lost all my jelly beans for the day, been spanked, and been sent to my room. It was in my room that I found a tub of vaseline and emptied its contents into my hair and all over my room. In my defense I was "conditioning." Anyone know how to get vaseline out of carpet and upholstery? Oh yeah, and when mom came to get me I had stripped down to my big girl panties in anticipation of "putting a pretty dress on so I can go to Easter." I figure that's where they keep the jelly beans.


Oh yeah, and baby brother smiled today. Whoop-tee-do.