Lydia & William

Online Journal of the early years of Lydia Kent and William Joseph Welch.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I reached many new milestones this past week:
  1. I slept in my crib at night all by myself. This was supposed to happen four weeks ago, but things got delayed because mom and dad couldn't agree on the best way to keep the cats out of my room. Then I caught a cold, and mom was too worried that I would need her during the night. What a wuss.
  2. I blew out a record number of outfits in a day.....four. Then I tied the record for the next three days in a row. Dook-o-rama. Size doesn't matter when it comes to diapers. Neither does the brand. It's all about the velocity.
  3. I finally gave up my hospital pacifier for a more asthetically pleasing variety. The only hazard is that the new one leaves marks on my face. They must not make XL cheek sizes.
  4. 4. I pushed up on my arms for the first time.
  5. 5. I met our cat, Ginger, when she politely wedged herself between me and my mommy. As you can see, I wasn't a big fan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that Ginger was stealing quality time with mommie. Don't feel bad. Your momie and daddie had to put up with feline WWE. I'm sure they will tell you all about it when your older. Be sweet and watch over them. -PJ C/O 96

March 18, 2006 3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try hiding a hair dryer under a pillow, then turn it on when Ginger jumps in between you two.

March 18, 2006 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lose the paci and go for your thumb. It is much more convenient and doesn't leave marks on your pretty cheeks.

March 18, 2006 10:44 PM  

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