Lydia & William

Online Journal of the early years of Lydia Kent and William Joseph Welch.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Cali & the Seal

So here's a picture of my dear Uncle Kent, and he's holding the ever-obese dog Cali, or 'Calorie' as some called her. Apparently when my dad was in high school, he and Katie and Kent had to bury Cali in the backyard, and Dad told her to 'STAY!' Maybe she didn't listen:
Pretty good match, huh? They sure look alike to me. So either the Hindu's have it right with this reincarnation stuff, or maybe heaven for loveable overweight mutts is spending eternity as a seal on a sunny beach in California. You be the judge.... I'll be playing with my BUNNY.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Aquarium Fun

Well,I had my first official outing with the fishes, and it was something to see. This guy in here fed about 250 fish & a dozen sharks at once (including this thing called a wolf eel...pretty ugly). I got to see rays, and sea-otters getting fed, and there was even a live juvinile white shark on display in this giant million-gallon tank. That's a 'great white' for all you JAWS fans and Discovery Channel addicts. Oddly enough, while I found all this marinelife utterly fascinating, my Dad just walked around for 2 days with an expressionless face that drooled here and there. No sweat off my back though, I got in for free!

Mommy and I pose with some anchovies.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


So the fam took a trip to Monterey. I got to ride in my new carseat (still rear-facing ofcourse), see the California coastline, watch mommy's hair frizz, and visit the best aquarium in the nation. Pretty good gig. I chose to stay serious and aloof as these pictures will testify. It's my typical approach to new experiences. Why smile? It shows your hand.

Monday, September 18, 2006

No Pictures, Please...

Ok, I don't want to be rude, but I'm a pretty busy little girl. I'm learning to chew solids, hold my own sippy cup, I'm getting pretty mobile with a psudo-crawl, so I don't always have the time for infantile glamour shots. You understand, right? Seriously...that's enough.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Daddy's Home!

Well, after a long hiatus, Daddy is back in town. Apparently he was far away in some place called' the Middle East', and even more suprising is the fact that the desert is even further away from here than North Carolina. Anyway, I'm so glad to see him because now I can begin to crawl, talk, and grow some hair (all of which I held off on doing until he got back to enjoy). I did figure out how to say 'MaMaMa" & 'dadada', but I'm most fond of the word 'babababa'. Mommy isn't convinced I really know what these words mean yet, but she doesn't know that I can type either.