Lydia & William

Online Journal of the early years of Lydia Kent and William Joseph Welch.

Friday, December 29, 2006

It's my birthday!!!

Well folks, it's hard to believe, but I'm one year old today.

Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me-e.
Happy birthday to me!

Stay tuned for birthday postings. Right now I'm getting my beauty rest for my party tomorrow.

I was naughty

Just a quick follow up for those of you who were wondering. Santa didn't come through on my request (i.e. please no more teeth). Yes, I received all kinds of toys - ones that sing the alphabet, dolls, little people planes and arks, even jewelry (every baby girl needs bling). However, I also received my first molar Christmas day...and another one two days later. And yes, three and four are on their way. So, I have come to this conclusion: either Santa isn't real......or I was naughty. You be the judge.

Christmas Morning

Christmas was quite a new adventure for me....I woke up to a pile of presents and this big stuffed bear that I yelled at. Mommy tried her hand at Beef Wellington and that was a success. And Uncle Mike came over to visit. But judging from the pictures I'm not sure he ever sobered up. All in all it was a great first Christmas!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

All I Want for Christmas

It's not my two front teeth. I already have those. And three bottom teeth and two more on top. I've got another one on the bottom poking through and four big white knots, where one day (hopefully soon) my eye teeth will be. So, you see, all I want for Christmas is to stop getting teeth. Or at least take a break through the holidays. Santa, are you listening? I've been at this since I was five months old. I'm tired of the drool. I'm tired of the sleepless nights and interrupted naps. With all these teeth, I quite literally bite off more than I can chew. Let's be real here. I don't teeth well. I don't handle pain without drama. So, please, seriously, cut me some slack. Eight teeth are enough for now.

Hugs and Kisses,

Christmas Card Rejects

.....but still fun pictures to share.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

O Tannenbaum...

Well, I had my first experience cutting down a Christmas tree on Sunday....and they sure smell good! My Mom and Dad took me out to the local California tree-patch, and we got a winner. It's decorated and all. I thought ornaments were pretty tasty, but it turns out that they look great on a Christmas tree, too! Who knew?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Turkey & Tahoe

This Thanksgiving my Me-Ma (pronounced, Mee-Maw) and Pop-Pop and Uncle Mike came over for a visit. We had a great week eating turkey and seeing the sights here in Northern Cali.
The day after Thanksgiving, we all went up to Lake Tahoe to see some sights...
Daddy and Uncle Mike and Pop-Pop check out Emerald Bay and pose for a photo-op. Note my stylin' Mom found it for less than $10.... She's awsome! After 6+ hours in the car, 2 meals out to eat, and one very cold lake, ...I"m spent. NITE-NITE!