Lydia & William
Online Journal of the early years of Lydia Kent and William Joseph Welch.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I fed myself today
I've been doing the finger food thing for awhile now, and mom & dad have been feeding me the messy stuff with a spoon. Sometimes they prepare the fork/spoon and hand it to me, but that gets old real quick. I've had about enough of them micromanaging meal times. Luckily, mom was catching on to my desire for independence and gave me free reign over lunch today. Ravioli with carrots, tomatoes and zucchini, and banana strawberry puree. She handed me a fork and spoon and I was in heaven. Things were actually going quite well until mom inadvertently started humming "head and shoulders, knees and toes." I got lost in the moment and next thing you know I've styled a mohawk with ravioli. True story.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Noah's Ark
One of my favorite past times is playing with my Fisher Price Little People Noah's Ark. On a good day I can even identify the animals, Noah and his wife by putting them in or pulling them out of the ark on command. On a bad day, I refuse to follow instructions and throw the animals back over my shoulder, bang the lid to the ark on the table and basically unleash destruction on the ark. Either way, I'm entertained for minutes at a time.
By the way, my ark-set includes a figurine for Noah's wife, Sally. I'm not positive that was her name, but that's what I'm going with. I'll read Genesis ch 9 when I'm older.
I'm back and I'm walking
Sorry for the recent hiatus folks. I've had a case of the "runs" for the past two weeks since we've been back from NC, so I haven't exactly felt like blogging. The docs thought it might have been a virus, bacteria or giarrdia, but it looks like good ole teething has struck once again. I now have my bottom molars and the hershey river has dried up (for those of you counting, I have 12 out of 16 teeth now). Although the last 2 weeks have been pretty lame and uneventful, I do have one big thing to report:
I'm walking! Look out world. Here comes the Lydster.